record TgoObjectId




type TgoObjectId = record


Represents an ObjectId. This is a 12-byte (96-bit) value that is regularly used for (unique) primary keys in MongoDB databases.

Internally, an ObjectId is composed of:

  • A 4-byte value containing the number of seconds since the Unix epoch.

  • A 3-byte machine identifier

  • A 2-byte process identifier

  • A 3-byte counter, starting from a random value

This makes ObjectId's fairly unique (but not as unique as GUID's though)



FData: array [0..2] of UInt32
FBytes: array [0..11] of Byte


class function Create(const ABytes: TBytes): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function Create(const ABytes: array of Byte): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function Create(const ATimestamp, AMachine: Integer; const APid: UInt16; const AIncrement: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function Create(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ATimestampIsUTC: Boolean; const AMachine: Integer; const APid: UInt16; const AIncrement: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function Create(const AString: String): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function GenerateNewId: TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function GenerateNewId(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ATimestampIsUTC: Boolean): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function GenerateNewId(const ATimestamp: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function Parse(const AString: String): TgoObjectId; overload; static;
class function TryParse(const AString: String; out AObjectId: TgoObjectId): Boolean; overload; static;
class function Empty: TgoObjectId; static;
class operator Implicit(const A: String): TgoObjectId;
class operator Implicit(const A: TgoObjectId): String;
class operator Equal(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
class operator GreaterThan(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
class operator LessThan(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
class operator LessThanOrEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;
function ToByteArray: TBytes; overload;
procedure ToByteArray(const ADestination: TBytes; const AOffset: Integer); overload;
function ToString: String;
function CompareTo(const AOther: TgoObjectId): Integer;


property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty;
property Timestamp: Integer read GetTimestamp;
property Machine: Integer read GetMachine;
property Pid: UInt16 read GetPid;
property Increment: Integer read GetIncrement;
property CreationTime: TDateTime read GetCreationTime;



FData: array [0..2] of UInt32
FBytes: array [0..11] of Byte


class function Create(const ABytes: TBytes): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Creates an ObjectId from a byte array.

the array of bytes to use for the ObjectId. Must be 12 bytes long.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if ABytes is not 12 bytes long
class function Create(const ABytes: array of Byte): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Creates an ObjectId from a byte array.

the array of bytes to use for the ObjectId. Must be 12 bytes long.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if ABytes is not 12 bytes long
class function Create(const ATimestamp, AMachine: Integer; const APid: UInt16; const AIncrement: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Creates an ObjectId from its components.

32-bit number of seconds since Unix epoch.
24-bit machine identifier. Must be >= 0 and < $01000000.
16-bit process identifier.
24-bit counter. Must be >= 0 and < $01000000.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if AMachine or AIncrement are out of range.
class function Create(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ATimestampIsUTC: Boolean; const AMachine: Integer; const APid: UInt16; const AIncrement: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Creates an ObjectId from its components.

the date/time to use as a timestamp.
whether ATimestamp is in universal time.
24-bit machine identifier. Must be >= 0 and < $01000000.
16-bit process identifier.
24-bit counter. Must be >= 0 and < $01000000.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if AMachine or AIncrement are out of range.
class function Create(const AString: String): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Creates an ObjectId from its string representation (see ToString).

Note: this constructor is equal to the Parse method.

the string representation of the ObjectId. Must contain 24 hex digits.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if AString does not contain 24 hex digits.
class function GenerateNewId: TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Generates a new ObjectId using the current timestamp, machine, process and counter settings.

Note: the returned ObjectId is guaranteed to be unique on the current system, even if this function is called at the same time from the same or other processes on the machine. However, the ObjectId is not neccesarily globally unique since another machine with the same hostname or computer name can theoretically generate the same Id.


The newly generated ObjectId.

class function GenerateNewId(const ATimestamp: TDateTime; const ATimestampIsUTC: Boolean): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Generates a new ObjectId using a given timestamp and the current machine, process and counter settings.

Note: the returned ObjectId is guaranteed to be unique on the current system, even if this function is called at the same time from the same or other processes on the machine. However, the ObjectId is not neccesarily globally unique since another machine with the same hostname or computer name can theoretically generate the same Id.

the date/time to use as a timestamp.
whether ATimestamp is in universal time.

The newly generated ObjectId.

class function GenerateNewId(const ATimestamp: Integer): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Generates a new ObjectId using a given timestamp and the current machine, process and counter settings.

Note: the returned ObjectId is guaranteed to be unique on the current system, even if this function is called at the same time from the same or other processes on the machine. However, the ObjectId is not neccesarily globally unique since another machine with the same hostname or computer name can theoretically generate the same Id.

32-bit number of seconds since Unix epoch.

The newly generated ObjectId.

class function Parse(const AString: String): TgoObjectId; overload; static;

Parses an ObjectId from its string representation (see ToString).

the string representation of the ObjectId. Must contain 24 hex digits.

The ObjectId.

Exceptions raised
if AString does not contain 24 hex digits
class function TryParse(const AString: String; out AObjectId: TgoObjectId): Boolean; overload; static;

Tries to parse an ObjectId from its string representation (see ToString).

the string representation of the ObjectId. Must contain 24 hex digits.
is set to the parsed ObjectId, or all zeros if AString could not be parsed.

True if AString could be successfully parsed.

class function Empty: TgoObjectId; static;

Returns an empty ObjectId (with all zeros)


The empty ObjectId.

class operator Implicit(const A: String): TgoObjectId;

Implicitly converts a string to an ObjectId. The string must contain 24 hex digits. An EArgumentException will be raised if this is not the case

class operator Implicit(const A: TgoObjectId): String;

Implicitly convers an ObjectId to a string

class operator Equal(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Tests 2 ObjectId's for equality

class operator NotEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Tests 2 ObjectId's for inequality

class operator GreaterThan(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Compares 2 ObjectId's using the ">" operator

class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Compares 2 ObjectId's using the ">=" operator

class operator LessThan(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Compares 2 ObjectId's using the "<" operator

class operator LessThanOrEqual(const A, B: TgoObjectId): Boolean; static;

Compares 2 ObjectId's using the "<=" operator

function ToByteArray: TBytes; overload;

Converts the ObjectId to an array of 12 bytes.


The ObjectId as 12 bytes.

procedure ToByteArray(const ADestination: TBytes; const AOffset: Integer); overload;

Converts the ObjectId to an array of bytes.

byte array to store the ObjectId into.
starting offset in ADestination to use.
Exceptions raised
if ADestination does not have room enough to store (AOffset+12) bytes.
function ToString: String;

Converts the ObjectId to its string representation. This is a string containing 24 hex digits.


The string representation of the ObjectId.

function CompareTo(const AOther: TgoObjectId): Integer;

Compare this ObjectId to another one.

the other ObjectId.

* -1 if Self < AOther

  • 0 if Self = AOther

  • 1 if Self > AOther


property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty;

Returns True if this ObjectId is empty (all zeros)

property Timestamp: Integer read GetTimestamp;

Timestamp component of the ObjectId. If the 32-bit number of seconds since Unix epoch.

property Machine: Integer read GetMachine;

Machine component of the ObjectId. Is a 24-bit machine identifier.

property Pid: UInt16 read GetPid;

Process component of the ObjectId. Is a 16-bit process identifier.

property Increment: Integer read GetIncrement;

Counter component of the ObjectId. Is a 32-bit increment.

property CreationTime: TDateTime read GetCreationTime;

The creation time of the ObjectId, as stored inside its Timestamp component. The time is in UTC.

Generated by P2PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2017-04-25 12:54:26