All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
BIOGetFlags Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


BIORetry Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


EnumerateTCPConnections Grijjy.Winsock2


epoll_create Linuxapi.Epoll

create an epoll instance

epoll_create1 Linuxapi.Epoll


epoll_ctl Linuxapi.Epoll

apply an operation to an epoll instance

epoll_pwait Linuxapi.Epoll


epoll_wait Linuxapi.Epoll

wait for events on an epoll instance

EventToString Linuxapi.Epoll


Finalize_Winsock Grijjy.Winsock2


goBase64Decode Grijjy.BinaryCoding

Decodes Base64-encoded binary data.

goBase64Decode Grijjy.BinaryCoding

Decodes Base64-encoded binary data.

goBase64Encode Grijjy.BinaryCoding

Encodes binary data to a Base64 buffer.

goBase64Encode Grijjy.BinaryCoding

Encodes binary data to a Base64 buffer.

goCharToHex Grijjy.SysUtils

Converts a digit to a byte.

goDateTimeFromTicks Grijjy.DateUtils

Converts a number of ticks that has passed since midnight, January 1, 0001 UTC to a date/time value.

goDateTimeToMillisecondsSinceEpoch Grijjy.DateUtils

Converts a date/time value to a number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

goDateTimeToTicks Grijjy.DateUtils

Converts a date/time value to a number of ticks that has passed since midnight, January 1, 0001 UTC.

goGetCurrentProcessId Grijjy.SysUtils

Returns the ID of the current process.

goGetMachineName Grijjy.SysUtils

Returns the name of the machine.

goMurmurHash2 Grijjy.SysUtils

Calculates a Murmur hash (v2) of a block of data.

goParseHexString Grijjy.SysUtils

Converts a hex string to a byte array.

goReverseBytes Grijjy.SysUtils

Reverses the bytes in (part of) a byte array.

goToDateTimeFromMillisecondsSinceEpoch Grijjy.DateUtils

Converts a number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch to a date/time value.

goToHexString Grijjy.SysUtils

Converts a byte array to a hex string.

goTryParseHexString Grijjy.SysUtils

Tries to convert a hex string to a byte array.

goUtf16ToUtf8 Grijjy.SysUtils

Fast Unicode to UTF-8 conversion using a provided buffer.

goUtf16ToUtf8 Grijjy.SysUtils

Fast Unicode to UTF-8 conversion.

goUtf8ToUtf16 Grijjy.SysUtils

Fast UTF-8 to Unicode conversion using a provided buffer.

goUtf8ToUtf16 Grijjy.SysUtils

Fast UTF-8 to Unicode conversion.

goUtf8ToUtf16 Grijjy.SysUtils

Fast UTF-8 to Unicode conversion.

grNetstat Grijjy.Winsock2


Init_Winsock Grijjy.Winsock2

Missing Winsock2

IPV4ToString Grijjy.Winsock2


JavaWebToken Grijjy.JWT

Creates a Java Web Token using the provided private key in PEM format





SetSSLCTXOptions Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


SSLError Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


SSLErrorFatal Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


SSLFinalize Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


SSLInitialize Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


timerfd_create Linuxapi.Timerfd

creates a new timer object

timerfd_gettime Linuxapi.Timerfd

returns the current setting of the timer

timerfd_settime Linuxapi.Timerfd

starts or stops the timer

UnloadLIBEAY Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


UnloadSSLEAY Grijjy.OpenSSL.API


Generated by P2PasDoc 0.13.0 on 2017-04-25 12:54:26